Chapter 17- What If?
In this chapter the question is raised, “What if the Prophet had not been murdered at that time and the Saints had been more obedient?” Segments of Joseph’s disgust of government leadership are quoted from the pamphlet, “The Voice of Truth”.
What if Calvin Warren would have instead agreed to disassociate with Thomas Sharp and the other enemies of the Church and determined to work with the Church in the development of Warsaw and the various state internal improvement projects? Lincoln’s efforts involved with the Northern Cross Railroad could have been joined with Warren’s and the Church’s development plans. Instead of forcing out the Mormons, the Church could have provided tremendous political influence, labor, and resources for advancing the projects and linking with the projects of the other states.
What if the Iowa scandals were exposed and the Church allocated their proper shares of key lands in Keokuk, Nashville and along the Des Moines Rapids and the Des Moines River? The four corners surrounding the Des Moines Rapids, of Nauvoo, Warsaw, Keokuk and Montrose could have developed into a massive commercial center for the country. If the prophet was allowed to continue, the Redress Petitions would have been granted since the Extermination Order was unconstitutional. The corrupt practices of the St. Louis Junto and the Central Clique would have been exposed. From headquarters in Jackson County, the Church would have had access in working with others to develop transportation routes much earlier through the Santa Fe Trail, and links to the Pacific Ocean as President Jefferson foresaw.
Prophecies for the gathering of Israel, the gathering of the Lamanites, and the building of Zion and the New Jerusalem could have been achieved. The same transcontinental transportation routes could have served to aid in the church’s gathering efforts from the four corners of the world as well as for import and export lanes for national and future global commercial dominance.